An Astrological Overview During a Time of Careful Choices and Decisions: Written by Loralee Scaife
A synopsis of what has been happening with the planets and societal structures since January of 2020.
In the aftermath of the January 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, the economic, political, and social structures of civilization are collapsing, contributing to the breakdown of the people’s capacity to hold to rituals, traditions, and customs of human interaction.
When such customs and etiquette are no longer adhered to, human beings resort to instinctual animal like behavior. The primal responses of fight, flight, or freeze manifest at the emotional level as rage, terror, and grief. In addition, a psychological response known as fawning also appears. When a threat cannot be resolved via fight-flight-freeze, the victim resorts to submissiveness, agreeing and aligning with the abuser in an attempt to please and appease to avoid conflict, such as in the Stockholm Syndrome phenomenon. Obedience to the Covid restrictions would be another example.
This breakdown of normal human relations fueled by messages of constant danger coming from every direction is the basis of trauma-based mind control. It is fertile ground for the eruption of archetypal contents represented by Eris. Catalyst for chaos and conflict as the goddess of war, strife and bloodshed, she revels in the mayhem left in her wake. Unpredictability and disruption are also characteristics of Uranus playing an active role in the charts of major nation state players in the current battlegrounds of the world.
Just as the Ego is a structure in the personal psyche that mediates the expression of unconscious contents into conscious life, so the borders and boundaries of nations are established to prevent invasion of forces that would undermine the realm and breakdown societal norms.
The breaking of boundaries began in 2011 with the migrant invasion of Europe increasing through the Uranus/Pluto square, culminating in 2015 with massive numbers streaming into European countries. Uranus, bringer of radical, often unexpected change and breakdown of structures in a challenging relationship with Pluto, bringer of death for the purpose of rebirth, formed the backdrop for the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of January 2020.
Covid represented another kind of invasion; first of an invisible unknown enemy, invading the physical bodies of all people on earth, which could only be defeated with a further violation of boundaries by injecting a foreign substance directly into the human body.
As of the Autumnal Equinox of September 23, 2023, the asteroid Eris aligned with the North Node of the Moon in Ares, the god of war. At that same time a new Covid variant was named Eris! Life imitating Myth? On Oct 7, 2023, Israel is attacked while Mars and Eris are opposing each other in the Israel ascendent, and the Israel Venus was conjunct the Israel Mars.
The Solar Eclipse of October 14th was within 3 degrees of opposition to Eris.
The Sun position in the charts of these countries, Israel and Palestine, is in almost exact opposition!
The Palestine chart has Uranus opposite the Sun and Pluto conjunct its Moon.
The Lunar Eclipse, a time of clearing away the old dead stuff, took place on October 28th, along with an alignment of Mercury and Mars in Scorpio opposite Jupiter in Taurus, contacting both the Israel and Palestine charts.
This coming Monday, November 13th, will bring the first New Moon in Scorpio at nearly 21 degrees, again connecting closely to the Sun position of each country. Scorpio is all about death, rebirth, and ultimate metamorphosis.
It is interesting to see that the Russia and Ukraine battleground has dropped off the radar as Eris and Uranus set their sights on the Middle East, including Iran and Syria.
You might ask, why does any of this matter? I would say it matters because Myth reveals the nature of the forces moving in the unconscious, which when NOT brought to conscious awareness manifests in our outer life as Fate.
On a personal level we are all being called upon to look deeply into our own lives where undigested trauma and unexpressed terror, rage, and grief get projected into our relationships and onto the outer world battlegrounds, adding fuel to those fires and furthering the divide and conquer strategy so effectively used against us all.
Eris plays a major role in the Myth of Paris, the young Trojan Prince whose unwise choice launches the Trojan War. When not invited to the wedding of Thetis, her revenge for the slight is to drop a Golden Apple into the wedding celebration with a note attached, “to the fairest”, causing a competition between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite for the title of Fairest. Zeus unwilling to incur the wrath of the Goddesses, off loads his responsibility to choose, to Paris. Being young and driven by passion & emotion, he chooses Aphrodite, who promises him the most beautiful woman in the world as his wife. Unfortunately, Helen is married to King Menelaus of Sparta. So, when she eloped with Paris, after Aphrodite sent Eros to shoot them with his arrows, causing them to fall hopelessly in love, Menelaus then rallied his Greek and Spartan troops to attack Troy and thus began the Trojan War.
This Myth is associated with the sign of Libra with the scales of balance as its symbol. The teaching of Libra is the recognition that with every choice comes a set of consequences, both positive and negative, that must be carefully considered in any decision we might make.
We find ourselves in a time where careful choices and decisions are paramount in every aspect of life if we are to navigate the dangerous waters of the unconscious without being swept away by primal emotions that lead to war both inside and out.
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