Blackmail Video | Transformation of America - Cathy O'Brien
“He who holds the gold makes the rules,” Mark would quip, adding “and the ultimate gold is black. Black mail videos.”
“He who holds the gold makes the rules,” Mark would quip, adding “and the ultimate gold is black. Black mail videos.”
My whole life those ruling our world by Blackmail termed themselves New World Order of the Rose. The Order of the Rose was a secret society of self-appointed, self-anointed leaders comprised of Jesuits and CIA.
These power mongers did not trust each other either, so they kept compromisingly perverse Blackmail videos of each other filmed during secret meetings. As a young child, I was sex trafficked to various politicians and global leaders who met at what was the Epstein Island of its time Mackinac Island Michigan.
Most perpeTraitors I was exposed to were aware that they were being covertly filmed since it was the ultimate rule of being a secret society Order of the Rose member. It was also understood that these Blackmail videos were held in vaults at the Vatican, through the infiltrated Mafia network, and by various individuals.
One such individual that held Blackmail videos in the 1980s was Hollywood actor Michael Dante’. I had cause to see Dante’s wall of vaults when I was in his Hollywood home in 1986 as detailed in my testimony for Congress TRANCE Formation of America.
How does a B grade actor come into such a high position as keeper of the Blackmail? Dante’ was closely associated with Jack Valenti, head of the Motion Picture Association of America and godfather over Hollywood and politics due to his friendships with Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Vatican and more. Jack Valenti’s power grew when the New World Order gained control through the Kennedy Assassination. Valenti fed us the media cover-up for Ford’s Warren Commission, first coining the term “conspiracy theorist” for anyone questioning the narrative.
Black mail and infiltration had blurred the line between Vatican Jesuits, the Mafia, and CIA which Michael Dante’ epitomized by wearing all hats. Seemingly tied to everyone, Dante’s position put him in charge of covert filming at the Bohemian Grove, Clintons’ Swiss Villa Amphitheater in Lampe, Missouri, and spontaneous meeting places such as the one where I was trafficked in Malibu where Bush, Reagan, Salinas, De la Madrid, and more had met to finalize criminal groundwork for NAFTA. Dante’ had seen it all, done it all, and held the evidence much like the Diddy or Epstein of his day.
I was about to turn 30 and was scheduled to be sacrificed at Bohemian Grove for what I knew about inner operations of the New World Order, specifically Order of the Rose. Dante’s vault also held Snuff films proving the execution of those like me who ‘knew too much’. This word had reached intelligence insider Mark Phillips, who ultimately intercepted me enroute to my executioner Michael Dante. Mark saved me from certain death, and my daughter Kelly from a fate worse than death.
Because I had been programmed heavily under MK Ultra mind control to go to Michael Dante’, I was obsessed with the need to fulfill my mission. Mark’s initial efforts to keep my daughter and me safe were strenuous under the circumstances, especially considering we were literally dodging bullets that I was straining to run back into as programmed.
Mark asked me who was shooting at us, insisting I write it out by hand and not vocalize. Writing it out defused my programming and showed me my truth. As quickly as I wrote out memory, it was validated by clean members of intelligence and law enforcement. William Von Raab of US Customs validated my testimony detailing groundwork for NAFTA that was rooted in drug and human trafficking across open borders, which in turn funded the New World Order.
Healing fast from mind control and no longer compelled to run to Michael Dante’, I continued writing out my memory as detailed in TRANCE Formation of America and ACCESS DENIED For Reasons of National Security. Much of my memory involved extreme perversion Blackmail ops, many centered around US Virgin Islands and Haiti.
What we are finally seeing today with the Epstein and Diddy Blackmail lists has been going on my entire life. As these lists unfold and more perpeTraitors of the globalist slave society agenda termed New World Order are revealed, demand to know who at the top uses these Blackmail tapes for control. When we identify who Blackmail tapes are being held for, we will be effective in uprooting this criminal network once and for all.
As truth comes to light, we must evolve with the knowledge that is our defense going forward in order to effectively protect our children and future generations from such horrific crimes against humanity as those that have proliferated for decades under secrecy.
These perpeTraitors have worked feverishly to promote and normalize pedophilia and the sexualization of children, while at the same time using it as Blackmail against each other because they know how very wrong it is.
Keepers of the Blackmail vaults such as Michael Dante’ eventually die off, while the nefarious strategic plan to dominate humanity lives on by design under secrecy. Awareness is key. Knowledge is our defense. No more secrets. Stay vigilant.
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About The Author
On August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA’s TOP SECRET mind control research program code named MK-Ultra. On February 8th, 1988, a top-level MK-Ultra victim, Cathy O’Brien, was covertly rescued from her mind control enslavement by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips.
Their seven year pursuit of Justice was stopped FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY. TRANCE Formation of America exposes the truth behind this covert government program and its ultimate goal: psychological control of a nation.