Green Beret Matthew Livelsberger | Murder, Coverup and Truth
As many, I have been following this crazy story since the beginning. There are a ton of things that do not add up when looking at all the information that we have. In this post I am hoping to bring to the attention a few things that no one is talking about. As well, deep dive into what potentially happened over the days leading up to Matthew’s death (or not).
Matthew Livelsberger had served 19 years in the US Army. He was a Green Beret and had been a member of various Special Forces Units over the course of his career.
The first part that I want to look at is the legitimacy of Matt’s claims. I have seen many out there talking about how Matt would not be qualified to be in a USAP\SAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Program\Special Access Program) Drone program.
It is not uncommon for the government or government contractors to bring members of Special Forces teams in to programs for various points of expertise. Matt claimed he had an Active TS/SCI with UAP - USAP Access.
His LinkedIn states he worked on “Remote and Autonomous Systems”. Most likely, this is the UAP-USAP he is talking about and he was brought in for some type of expertise by the Project Manager.
Is there a history of him being used for his expertise to help the military and contractors with tech development?
Yes, it is right there in his LinkedIn. He worked with General Dynamics while on Active Duty on the “Hyperspectral Imaging Integrator”.
It is not far off to think that they would bring him into a program like this. For all we know, this USAP he was mentioning could have been a counter-intelligence operation. Using Special Forces as recon, to take out a facility, or to preparing them for battlefield integration with US similar tech. So, yes it is highly plausible he had access and was involved with this type of program.
Ok, let’s dive into the email. This is actually where Matt leaves a lot of clues of what was going on.
We know he sent multiple messages out to various influencers. We can assume he also sent similar messages out to Congressional members, News outlets. I am assuming, but it is pretty good assumption after we understand what Matt actually was talking about in the email.
ISOPREP, or Isolated Personnel Report is a document used by the US Military to help identify individuals who may be lost or separated over enemy lines. Typically it is used with Special Forces, Pilots and any clandestine agents. The idea is that if they are under duress, or enemy control, that they can give a signal of this when communication is reestablished.
Matthew in this email states that “First off I am not under duress or hostile influence or control. My first car was a 2006 Black Ford Mustang V6 for verification.” Unfortunately, this was a lie. His first vehicle was actually a 1998 Ford Mustang.
So why did he intentionally state a lie?
My thoughts are that Matt was sending a message to someone with this. Either former or active teammates who were involved in the 2019 incident he mentions or maybe someone close to him. My mind always goes to proxy communications. It is my thoughts that if Matt was coming forth with this information then he most likely had verifiable evidence to prove it. Which, he would of placed in a secure area as a dead man’s switch. I think it is possible that this was the trigger used to notify someone that was waiting for that specific information.
For example, let’s assume I am right. Matt had an insurance policy. Let’s say he told a close friend what to do in the event that he died because of this information. His friend had 5 points of accurate information. Each one leading to a location. The statement about a 2008 Ford Mustang could have easily have been telling his friend the location of where his insurance policy was, and only they would know.
In this part of the email, Matt drops a bomb that no one has even touched on. He states right here that “So I don’t know if my abduction attempt is related to either”.
This is completely different than the part where he says he is being followed and tracked. He wrote these two separately on purpose. Followed and tracked are not the same as an attempted abduction.
What are my thoughts on this?
Matt is telling us why he is doing this right now. Sometime after he got home from Germany for leave, someone tried to abduct him.
This is the reason why he armed himself, constructed a VBIED and started contacting podcasts and the news. He was in fear for his life. The problem is that he did not know if it was pertaining to the 2019 Afghan Event or the Chinese Gravitic Drone Project he was working on.
I am assuming that he must of felt that someone was targeting him due to these events. Could he have possibly spoke out to his chain of command about the Chinese Threat and said something, or maybe even filed some type of whistleblower statement? It is highly possible. He felt strongly that the drones are a direct threat to National Security and that there is a potential for world war due to what is happening.
I think it is safe to assume, something happened in the last few months that after the attempted abduction, he felt that could have been the reason.
Next, the official narrative is bullshit. Las Vegas police released these “manifestos” claiming that Matt had them in his notepad on his phone. Bullshit, this is a coverup to shift the narrative away from the fact that the government attempted to abduct, possibly kill him and then was tracking and surveilling him prior to this incident.
They are saying that he shot himself in the head with a Desert Eagle .50 cal pistol. They even went on to say that there was an exist wound in the left side of the skull.
Unfortunately for the coverup team, this is a load of shit. A Desert Eagle .50 cal pistol would have taken his head right off. There would be no exit wound, but brain matter and skull fragments. In this video, you can see a vague outline of his body. You can see his head move slightly then a flash.
Yes, a pistol would make that type of flash. It would also have thrown his head back and disintegrated it.
You do not see this after the flash. Instead you see what is most likely the VBIED on the inside of the vehicle be triggered and Matt engulfed in flames.
Matt is a smart guy, I do not think he was trying to kill himself. I do believe he feared for his life and was trying to bring massive public attention to what was happening. This is why he chose Trump Hotel in Las Vegas. It is a highly populated area, a place he knew that would get the publics attention. My assumption is that he most likely was going to set off the VBIED after getting out of the vehicle and knowing there was no innocent bystanders present. Then once it had National attention, they could not just make him disappear.
Unfortunately for Matt, what I think happened here is that he was killed by whomever was following him and tried to abduct him.
There is evidence that Matt changed his Signal Safety number after he was already dead. Many are speculating that this could mean his is still alive. I do not think so. I think what happened is that Matt’s phone was hacked. That his phone was most likely the trigger for the VBIED. If he was going to remotely detonate the vehicle, then this would make sense. It is my thoughts that they hacked his phone and detonated the VBIED with Matt inside, killing him and then covering up the rest by trying to say he was troubled with PTSD and had right wing extremist views by planting those bullshit posts.
I do not think we have heard the last of Matt. It is my thoughts that he had an insurance policy and that that information will soon be released, or at least we can only hope.
If Matt was correct, and China and the US have gravitic propulsion technology and there is a severe threat to National Security, then I hope this information comes out before some type of kinetic conflict breaks out.