Is Twitter The Next Sirius XM?
Elon Musk Has Plans For Twitter And It Involves Starlink...
Author: Joshua Reid, Founder - Redpill Project
Elon Musk became one of the single largest shareholders of Twitter when he purchased a little over 9% of the companies stock in April of 2022. Many believed, as Elon's Twitter account had suggested that he is concerned about “free speech” and the ability to edit Tweet’s after they are sent.

Although, if we begin to look more into this could there be something more to Elon’s inquiries and focus on Twitter? Elon posted this on his Twitter in recent days discussing how the content from “blue checkmark” accounts was dwindling and that Twitter could potentially be dying.

Why would Elon being making these public inquiries into the state of Twitter, then purchase a large portion of the company and be positioned onto the Board of Directors? Could Elon potentially have ulterior motives? Let’s think about this for a second and understand how technological progression and evolution occurs.
Technology implementation and adoption is a critical step for any business in the forming of a new market dynamic when it comes to a disruptive changes. For a company like Starlink, this becomes even more critical due to the massive overhead cost of distribution of assets, maintenance and operation.
Starlink has set to become a “decentralized” Internet Service Provider (ISP) by transmitting the signal of the internet from space down to Earth. It has started to acquire new clients, primarily in remote places where internet connectivity is non-existent. There are not pioneers in this industry, satellite based internet has been around for decades since the birth of the global internet. Although, many of those service provider are working with older technology and dwindling client numbers due to wireless technology advancements of the modern day.
Starlink has set the goal of changing this and destroying the monopoly that cell phone companies and internet service providers have on land based internet connectivity. Starlink is in the process of testing up to 100MB download speeds and eventually working their way to a more modern 1GB+ download speed as their system becomes more integrated.
When we think of internet speeds and services, we tend to only think of the connection from point A to point B. Although in the technological scheme of things, it is much more complex. Many people do not understand that one of the main reasons that the terrestrial internet is so fast or that ISP’s can offer wickedly fast download speeds is not because of some technological advancement, but instead because the internet is geographically decentralized and hosted through various nodes. Yes, that is right, the internet in Europe is not the same as the internet in the United States!
Our current internet uses servers that are in close proximity to an Internet Service Providers distribution point. These are called CDN’s or Content Distribution Networks. They store popular websites data and continually ping the websites for the latest updates. They only store a small portion of the internet, but the ISP will use data analysis to determine in that geographic area what the most popular websites will be within the next 6 months. This becomes important because in the past users would of had to download a website from the host servers location which could be overseas or on the opposite coast. This requires many different data routes for that data to travel from point A to point B. We tend to think that when we are on a website, that we are connected directly to it, we are not. We are routing out protocols through multiple different services, switches and networks. This is why the CDN model works incredibly well. It reduces the amount of node points that are required for data to be transferred and communication between two computers to occur.
Ok… so what the heck does all this have to do with Elon, Starlink and Twitter?
Starlink is positioning themselves disrupt the current Cell Phone and Internet Service Provider market. To do this, they need to at a minimum match the current technological standard offered by these companies in their geographic or far exceed them. To be bluntly honest, Starlink would need to have some sort of game changer that far exceeds what the current competition does.
First things first… Starlink will not only be a provider of internet connectivity by providing satellite uplink and variable node transmission, but also will become a decentralized cloud service. Why? Because they literally have to. As mentioned above with the current technological model, in order to relay that much data from point A to point B, you would need to limit the amount of data connection to keep the data throughput and speed constant. The best way to do this would be to have a backend network of cloud servers (In orbit in space) with dedicated SHF uplinks that are constantly pinging ground based web servers for updates. These space-based cloud servers would act as the data pool for the Starlink satellites to pull real-time updated digital data from and send to a ground node, vice versa. Literally, Elon would be creating the current cloud, in the sky. Pretty novel idea and trust me, it is already happening.
So what does this have to do with Twitter?
We are beginning to see the world wake up to the control that the Techno-fascist have on the world and how they have collaborated with globalists, multinationals and governments around the world to produce a global spy state. Information that goes against the manufactured social paradigm is censored, deleted, scrutinized and violently attacked. More and more people, entrepreneurs and businesses are beginning to see this and take action. Think tanks are forming, questions are being asked, money is flowing. Trust me, I am a part of quite a few of these with some incredibly wealthy people. This is real and it is happening….
So what is the discussion about? It is not about how to stop Big Tech from censoring us… Instead it is how to created a parallel system to where they can no longer bother us and that we are not forced into using their systems to survive. The moment we talk about a parallel system, we have to ask what is really meant by this?
With the introduction to Decentralized Blockchain technology and the progressive adoption by the social markets to embrace it, we are beginning to see the birth of Web 3.0. There are many definitions out there about what Web 3.0 is, although to keep it simple we can see the differences by looking at this graphic.
Web 3.0 will usher in the era of data control and decentralization. No longer will websites be censored by big tech simply because they are hosted on an Amazon server. The blockchain and Web 3.0 technology give the ability for the Internet to become Internet(s), actually “Intranets”. I think we will start seeing the Internet accessibility moving towards a private membership type of model. Where if you want to visit Website A, you will need to have a subscription to Blockchain A because they are the only ones that host that website. Welcome to the “al la carte” internet. We saw this happen in the cable television industry after a massive disruption by companies like Netflix and Amazon, and now here we are…. the same thing is happening to the internet with companies like Starlink.
Starlink will essentially become the Sirius XM of the Internet. If you want your website hosted there, you will have to pay hosting fees and get certain technologies to make sure you are connected. As a consumer, if you want to visit that website, you will have to have a Starlink subscription.
So why Twitter?
I call it the Joe Rogan Effect. When Joe Rogan went from the free and open internet, YouTube to Spotify, most of his audience went with him. It boosted Spotify’s projected annual revenue so much, that they were able to offer Joe $100 Million dollar a year contract. This is just for one influencer and their podcast… think about that for a moment…
Spotify privatized Joe Rogan, very much link Sirius XM did with Howard Stern and the same way that Elon Musk will do with Twitter.
It makes sense “why” Twitter. Starlink is still very much in it’s beta phase and working vigorously for market share. The technology is top of the line, but there is a difference between a simulated model, terrestrial scenarios and real-world load testing. Starlink needs something that will test the technology to the max. This means cloud storage, data exchange, uploads, downloads, massive throughput, continual data refreshes… Starlink needs people communicating through it every second of every day. Twitter is that answer…
Once Twitter becomes integrated as the first social network stored, transmitted and distributed from space, it will begin to see some revitalization. Now if Elon has the ability to remove the censorship, provide a conducive network where communication can freely flow and drive the value back up to what Twitter was in its former glory, as the beacon of real-time news, now, then I think we will see a move to take Twitter private, very much like Spotify did with Joe Rogan and Sirius XM did with Stern. One of the only ways Elon would be able to do this is by either convincing the Board of Directors to take the company private and move in this direction (highly unlikely) or by denying the board seat and purchasing more stock of Twitter and doing a peaceful takeover. It is my thoughts that with Twitter being the woke antifreedom platform it is, Elon will make a move to buyout the major shareholders and take Twitter private.
Whatever happens, I am sure we are going to begin to see the movement of a more privatized and al la carte style internet. The current model of techno-fascism and totalitarian control models can only last so long before people begin to pull their money out of a system that no longer serves them any benefit. Elon Musk has been the innovator and pathfinder in the technological generation and the fact he bought almost a 10% share of Twitter, should tell us something big is coming from Elon.